A Dream

Time Stand Still for the chosen


Where Seetha, Mandodari and Ravana Roamed.
First of all, it has historical value, being that it is situated very near Bodiya, which is a Buddhist shrine. And according to ancient folklore, the site where Bodiya is the palace of King Ravana existed, which holds a secret tunnel entrance leading to other secret adobes of the revered King Ravana. The story goes to say that Seetha was hidden at the Palace existed at present day Kalutara Bodiya. And remains of a Kovil was built for Seetha to worship still exists inside the Kalutara Courts premises protected by the Archeological Department of Sri Lanka. Legends speak of Ravana’s Queen – Mandodari accompanied Seetha in the surrounding gardens and to Kovil. Of the lands surrounding the Palace, only this land has remained unoccupied from the time of Ravana. A coincidence.

Virgin Property

This means that whoever purchases this piece of land will have a "virgin" property to build on.As evidence of the land's long-standing virginity, ancient drawings and paintings by British, Portuguese, and Dutch explorers all depict this land as a beautiful, uninhabited garden.Even now, the land remains a beautiful and untouched regarded paradise by anyone who has laid eyes on it.

Most Beautiful

The second major reason this land will be a good purchase is that it has an excellent view of the Kelido beach and easy access to other secluded beaches in Kalutara by boat.This makes it ideal for buyers who plan to open beach resorts and hotels. It would be a profitable venture, as the beaches attract tourists who will need accommodation for the duration of their stay.Once again, a perch is being sold at Rs. 2 million, and buyers will be attended to on the basis of first-come-first-served basis.

First of all, it has historical value, being that it is situated very near Bodiya, which is a Buddhist shrine. And according to ancient folklore, the site where Bodiya is where the palace of King Ravana existed, which holds a secret tunnel entrance leading to other secret adobes of the revered King Ravana. The story goes to say that Seetha was hidden at the Palace existed at present Kalutara Bodiya. And remains of a Kovil was built for Seetha to worship still exists inside the Kalutara Courts premises protected by the Archeological Department of Sri Lanka. Legends speak of Ravana’s Queen – Mandodari accompanied Seetha in the surrounding gardens and to Kovil. Of the lands surrounding the Palace, only this land has remained unoccupied from the time of Ravana. A coincidence. That aside, this land has remained uninhabited for a very long time, so it contains zero pollutants that careless human activities may have caused. Specifically, there have been no houses or structures built on this land over the known history. In the beginning of the 19th century this land was used solely as an unloading site for graphite being transported from the mines upstream. The only known human activity on this land.

This means that whoever purchases this piece of land will have a "virgin" property to build on.As evidence of the land's long-standing virginity, ancient drawings and paintings by British, Portuguese, and Dutch explorers all depict this land as a beautiful, uninhabited garden.Even now, the land remains a beautiful and untouched regarded paradise by anyone who has laid eyes on it.The second major reason this land will be a good purchase is that it has an excellent view of the Kelido beach and easy access to other secluded beaches in Kalutara by boat.

Available for sale is a 12-Perch land in the major city of Kalutara, situated in the Western Province of Sri Lanka.The property borders are at Kalugaga River, along the Kalutara Palatota main road, covering 21 feet of the river frontage and 21 feet of the road frontage.The land is located approximately 300 meters from the famous Kalutara Clock Tower, which stretches from Kalutara Town to the Police training college.And each perch is being sold for Rs. 1.5 million on a first-come, first-served basis.

Every Body Wants it. Only the Chosen Few can Have it

Rajagaha. Where Seetha, Mandodari and Ravana Roamed.


  • Email - gaha@rajagaha.com

  • Phone - +94 718750100

  • Whats App +94 718750100

  • More Information No. 32 D, Town Club Road Kalutara South. Sri Lanka.

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